Beth Carpenter and Associates                    

Since 1995 Beth Carpenter and Associates has provided its real-world experience to the management of healthcare companies, especially those organizations with a focus on home health, hospice and private duty, in the areas of operations, clinical services, sales and marketing.

We work with management to identify the strategic direction of the organization and implement the necessary changes that allow health care providers to move forward in today's environment.

Beth Carpenter and Associates assists clients with a range of issues from deciding whether to add hospice services to the steps necessary for a successful start-up and further the growth of the hospice with the development of a community education plan. We can help you with your:

* feasibility study to evaluate establishing a hospice
* pre-acquisition due diligence audits
* assistance with post-acquisition integration
* leading ownership through the start-up process for a new agency
* compliance audit with a resulting plan of action
* staff training on all areas related to hospice
* recommendations for cost-control strategies
* develop a community education plan

Visit Beth Carpenter and Associates web site for more information

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