Weatherbee Resources, Inc.
259 North Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
PH: 508 778 0008
FAX: 508 778 8899
Cell: 508 292 0143

Weatherbee Resources, Inc. has provided innovative products and services to hospices nationwide since 1997. We support hospice infrastructure development and strengthening by providing specialized consulting services for regulatory compliance (Medicare Conditions of Participation, corporate compliance program development and HIPAA Privacy and Security Rule compliance), accreditation preparation (JCAHO and CHAP) and innovative program development including hospice residences and palliative care consultation services. Weatherbee Resources utilizes a team approach, matching the expertise and skills of our hospice consultants with the specific needs of our clients in an efficient and cost effective manner. Please visit our website for more information about the products and services we provide that might help your hospice program.

E mail: Heather P. Wilson

Weatherbee Resources, Inc. web site